sábado, 27 de setembro de 2014

Trying something new

I'm usually terrible at doing TBR's because I never, ever stick to them (thanks to my mood changes & difficult to keep reading books that don't pick my interest since the first start) but this month I will be trying to do one and pink promise that I will do my best to read these books.

1. Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz & Michael Johnston: this one has already been released but in different covers (is the third redesign already!) and I got an ARC with this new cover change - which is really cute and remind me of "How to train your dragon" because of the dragon haha - anyway heard mixed things but want to check out.

2. Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis: It's a retelling of Snow White! Just this already made me want to pick this one up - but also heard great things from early reviews.

3. Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater: if you haven't read "The Raven Cycle" yet I don't know what you have been doing with your life. Seriously, just pick the first book of this series "The Raven Boys" & welcome.

4. & 5. If I Stay & Where She Went by Gayle Forman: since started rolling around news about the movie last year and then the trailer came out I wanted to read this books, but I already had started If I Stay and leaved it DNF - now I already read other works by Forman so I really, really want to give this another shot. Also can't see the movie until read the book, which is a bummer since everyone is loving it.

6. Wonder by R.J. Palacio: I have been wanting to read this book sine it was released but only now got myself a copy so no more excuses. 

And you guys, usually make TBR's or just go with the wind? If you do which books are you planning on reading this month? I'm not doing anything Halloween related but are you doing it? Tell me all about it on the comments! 

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