domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2016

January TBR

Hey guys, it's Deyse here and I'm coming back with my monthly TBR's. Now, you may wonder why I'll try to do this again when I failed already so many times, honestly I can't tell you if I just like to fail at things BUT that will not make me stop trying and who knows, this time it maybe go a different way and I follow it and everyone is happy and there is chocolate chip cookies at the end of the road (month) as a reward. Who knows.

So on to the actual TBR, I divided it onto two parts one is the physical one and other that is my digital one which is basically a mix of eARCS and ebooks that I own. Also, I don't actually plan on getting to all of those books this month, my game plan is to do myself a bunch of options from different genders so I can choose and not feel the pressure to read things that I'm not in the mood for. Let's get this party started.

Physical TBR

Seraphina & Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman: Seraphina has been siting on my shelf since 2013, it's more than time for me to get into reading it. I have additional motivation since I'm taking part on the A Series A Month challenge and this would fit perfectly to complete my January goal. 

Scan by Sarah Fine and Walter Jury: I got this one for Christmas after reading The Impostor Queen by Sarah Fine and absolutely loving it, I can't wait to dive into this one since it's a YA sci-fi something that there isn't nearly enough out there.

The Raven Boys & The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater: This is one of my favorite series and I've never re-read it! I know, I'm appealed by this fact too, but since The Raven King is finally coming out this year (please no more push backs on the release date) it's the perfect time to refresh my memory of this story and my love of this characters. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to read both of those, but I definitely want to get to the first one at least.

Digital TBR

Lady Renegades by Rachel Hawkins: I've been holding up on reading this one since it was up on Edelweiss last year but oh god, I can't wait anymore, I'm planning on this being my second read of the year!

Sword and Verse by Kathy MacMillan: I'm not sure I'm gonna get to this one on time for its release (since it's an egalley) and I've been hearing some mixed reviews about it. BUT YA FANTASY.

Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell: Another Peter Pan retelling! I've not heard much about this one but what I did heard was amazing buzz, so I'm pumped. Also despite my love for Peter Pan on my childhood I still need to read a retelling of him, good time to remedy that.

First & Then by Emma Mills: I've been hearing nothing but good things about this one since it's release and I can't wait to dive into the fluffy fest that this one promises. 

Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine by Stephanie Tromly: I've not heard much about this one except that is about a weird anti social genius kind of character and that there is a mystery a la Sherlock. I'm excited.

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard: On the quest to catch up with the YA popular series that I missed on the past years this one is here, I'm actually much more excited to read it now than when it first was released. 

Well, that was it for today, tell me in the comments bellow if you've read any of those and which of those should a get to ASAP.

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